Ministries >

Women's Ministry

Vickie Miller

All women are invited to Bible Study each Sunday night at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall.  We also have two Women-Only Sunday School classes that meet at 9:45 in the Main Building. 

Mark your calendar for an upcoming event provided by the AR Baptist State Convention for all ladies of the church! On September 21st, what's previously been known as "Inspire" has now changed to "Conference," as it truly is one women will not want to miss!

The price of the conference is $35.00 for adults and $25.00 for students. Tickets will sell out quickly, so please have your ladies register by the end of August. It will be held at FBC-Benton, from 8:30am-3:00pm. Use the following link for details on key-note speakers, schedule, merchandise, and how to register:



Women's Only Sunday School Class meets Sunday at 9:45am in the Main Building.

Women's Discipleship Bible Study Classes meet each Sunday night at 5pm in the Family Life Center.

Women on Mission meet the first Monday of each month in the Library at 10am. We do ministry projects each month and learn about missionaries.

Sister's In Spirit will meet for a kickoff breakfast on Saturday Aug 24th at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. More info coming.

We have a wonderful group of ladies that are always willing to prepare food when a member has a death in the family. If you know of a church member that has lost a loved one recently contact the church office so these women can minister to the family.

Many of our women are active in the Children's Department, sing in the choir, teach Women's Sunday School and DT classes, and are committed to our GROW outreach. We especially appreciate all the ladies that work in the nurseries during Worship Service times