Ministries >

Nursery Department

Dana Johnston

Our Nursery is for infants through three years old. It is located in the Children's Building behind the sanctuary. We use a secure check-in system called Kid Check for children of all ages that are left in our care. For your convenience you can create your online KidCheck account before your first visit.  Click here to create your KidCheck account, it is easy and quick!!! 

The nursery maybe where the very first impressions of our church are made. We want you to know that your child will be safe and well cared for as they learn about God. We have loving and caring nursery workers during all services on Sunday and Wednesday.  All of our volunteers have been screened with background checks and have been members for at least six months in order to ensure the safety of your child.  Do you have school age children also, click here to visit our Children's Department page.  If you have other questions click here to go to the Visitor Page.


The nursery is in the Children's Building located behind the sanctuary. 

Two and Three Year Old Room

Infant-One Year Old Room


“Every trip to the nursery is worship.
Every goldfish cracker crumb you clean up off the floor following dismissal is worship.
Every baby you rock to sleep during the sermon is worship.
Every church bag you pack is worship.
Every time you walk through the doors of our Father’s House with your little loves,
You’re teaching them the importance of faithfulness.
That’s worship.

This season of pudgy hands holding yours, sippy cups, diapers, and fussiness is just that- a season.
Take them during this season because, in the next, they’ll be worshipping beside you.
Even the hard parts of just getting to church with your children in tow, Jesus views as worship!
So keep doing what you’re doing, keep teaching those babies how to worship.”

written by Kenadee Holt